Tuesday, July 2, 2019

What Not To Wear To A Job Interview!

If you really want to make the best impression in an organization, you must consider what not to wear to a job interview as well as you consider what matters for a job interview...
The presentation of yourself when dressing for a job interview really matters. The image of you is the first thing any potential employer will notice before saying a word or shaking hands.
Firstly, distinguish between your social image and professional outlook so as to make a good first impression. If the organization in which you are seeking employment is a very casual workplace, it is advisable not to dress it down too much.

Things That Should Not Be Worn To An Interview

There are some items included in this list that you might not have thought of. It will be deduced that you don't take pride in your appearance or that you don't respect your interviewer, if you wear any of these items to be listed.

The following items should be avoided when going for an interview:

  • Sneakers
  • Underwears being visible to others (br@, br@ straps, boxers etc.) You should avoid wearing clothes that would reveal your underwears like letting your bra straps to show, even when they match the color of your top.
  • Jeans
  • Shorts
  • Skimpy skirts (skirts that are too short)
  • Low-waist trousers or tight-fitting pants
  • Blouses with low-cut or short length that reveals cleavage or belly are inappropriate.
  • Avoid allowing your pant line show underneath your trouser or skirt. If you are wearing the low-cut one, ensure to wear a longer blouse or top to complement
  • Tattoos and piercings. You should consider covering your tattoos if you have them on your body or any other piercings. Take out your rings for ladies using nose rings and guys that have pierced their ears. Even though there are some companies now overlooking that, yet we still have some keeping those policies. Therefore ensure to play safe, so as to create a good impression. 

Study the way people dress in that your target company or similar company to that. This is because different industries have different dress codes that should be followed strictly. You can do with more of creative or trendy wardrobe choices in an advertising agency while conservative and classic styles go well for financial organizations. Put these into consideration before going to shop for interview outfit.
A classic suit or outfit is a good investment that is appropriate for your career field which will serve you for years. In contrary to a trendy outfit that will only serve you for a season.
Your trendy idea might not tally with the interviewer's own, so to avoid error; it is advisable to dress conservatively when going for interview.
Shop wisely by visiting outlets, shopping online and using coupons to get the most desirable out of your interview budget.

Once you get employed for a new job, make enquiry on what to wear before starting the job with them. You can try visiting the workplace often to see the dressings of people working them. The best thing is to make a very good impression at your first day to work.

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