Friday, April 19, 2019

Modern Etiquette You Should Never Forget!

Etiquette is all about showing respect to yourself and to those closer to you. It isn't just about using the right cutlery during meals...
This strictly refers to giving respect to everyone in their own little corner. Endeavor to stand out in this world of rudeness with your politeness. Following up our instincts and yielding to social conventions have always involved tension. At times, it is necessary to tilt too far towards our instincts since there are presence of conventions changing rapidly. That can be risky for you as you might be sabotaging your own success or offending other people through that.

You simply need to learn the rules of etiquette. Here are the easy ways to show more kindness. 

  1. If you know you cannot attend an event you are formally invited to, do not engage in the RSVP at the lasy minute of an event that really involves adequate planning.
  2. Show some manners around a public refrigerator. If you know you didnt put any food in it, do not go there to eat any food. Also make sure you take out leftovers before they transform into radioactive stuffs or discard them as early as possible. 
  3. Do not scream on your phone just because it seems you can't hear the person at the other end well. You not able to hear the person well does not imply that the person can't hear you well.
  4. Switch off your phone when at a dinner party and enjoy the moment. When you receive calls at social functions, it simply depicts that you lack social skills which would be pissing atleast one person off at the gathering. At the worst scenario, put your phone in silence mode, so you can text back the person you intended calling. 
  5. If you come late to an academic class or any other learning gathering, never try to barge your way to your favourite spot at the front thinking you are entitled to it and thereby inconvenienting others. Do not obstruct other people's views when trying to find your way, in order to make everyone happy.
  6. Keep off your personal and confidential arguments from social networking sites, but transmit your message through the use of SMS.
  7. Limit your use of cameras and video at social events. Give in more time for friends, colleagues and family and enjoy the present moment which would serve as great memories for the future rather than recording the whole thing and missing out on the enjoyment. 
  8. When in a public space, do not be the first or second person to receive or make call on your cell phone. In the case where everyone's doing it, then you are allowed to take advantage of the slack.
  9. Do not attend a party empty handed. Ensure to bring something with you, even if it is wine or dessert to show your loyalty to the party host. 
  10. Do not break up a relationship with someone through text. Also do not announce a death or any other bad incidence through text message. These are still the best times to have a face-to-face talk or go on phone conversations. 

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