Monday, April 8, 2019

How To Stop Your Hands Looking Older Than Your Face

Our hands are the first body parts to reveal our age. As much as we avoid our face from being damaged by sun, wrinkles and age spots, same thing...
should be subjected to the thin, fragile skin of our hands. There are simple adjustments to be made to your routine to keep your hands looking youthful as ever.

Always put on gloves when washing

The best way to get your hands moisturized and soft is by getting the hands covered when washing, dealing with dirts, mud and cleaning agents. Avoid getting your hands exposed to these cleaning agents like bleach, detergents, soaps and the likes. Get the right protective gloves as there are many protective gloves in stores now but the ones with latex allergies are the easiest ones as they rest comfortably on your hands.

Get mild cleaning soaps

Use a gentle cleaning soap in the kitchen that provides care for your fragile hands. Avoid soaps that are too harsh because consequently they leave your skin feeling dry. Opt for a hand soap with moisturizing agent.

Give up on the habit of biting your nails and picking your cuticles

To avoid biting your fingers, keep your cuticles soft and moisturized. By doing this, you will overcome the habit of biting your fingernails. If you have chapstick on your hand, this process can also help because chapstick works like magic for treating small patches of dry skin.


Make exfoliating a hobby as this helps to rid of germs, dirts, dead skin as well as improving the addition and circulation of moisture. There are natural remedies to use to exfoliate your hands. It is simple and easy to make your own scrub that will leave your hands moisturized, very soft and clean. There are also products to use for that as well as exfoliating hand soaps.

Use sunscreen

Apply sunscreen regularly on your hands as often as you apply to your face. Sun not only causes damage to your face but also to your hands. It contributes to premature aging causing spits and wrinkles to your hands. Opt for a sunscreen having SPF 30 or even more than for the sun damaging rays. Ensure to use this regularly.


This is the most essential way to keep youthful beautiful hands. When moisturizing is done regularly, it gives assurance to soft, smooth hands that will last for years. Opt for the right moisturizing lotion that will be easy to carry about and also use a homemade body butter.

Essential oil

To provide healing to extra dry hands, use the all essential oils to bring back life to your hands. Examples of essential oils include lavender, frankincese, good moisturizer and the likes. Allow the oils to soak in your skin while you sleep and wake to see a clear difference in hands. These essential oils serve as lightening agents that will reduce the appearance of age spots and the general skin health of your skin.

Our hands should be given proper care as well as we care for our face. Our hands tell our ages, therefore we should try to stop our hands looking older than we actually are.

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