Saturday, April 27, 2019

How To Resize The Waist Of Your Jeans

Resizing the jean waist can be tasking. That gap that was being overlooked by you in the dressing room means so lot to acquire a general fitting of the jean...
Since you can sew, just tailor the indifference and you will have a perfect one. There is actually a good method used in taking in jeans waist that can save you some expenses. 

Heavy duty safety pin
Sewing machine needle
Tailor chalk
Measuring tool
Rubber mallet
All-purpose thread
Topstiching thread (a thread that matches the stitching on the waistband) 

Step 1
Wear the jeans and pin up the excess at the center back to enable the center topstitching falls at one side. Pull up the waistband snug to secure the excess with a large safety pin. Continue pinching out excesses down to the center back seam until there is no more any excess to pin. This step can be found much easier when another person is there to help pin. Always be careful with the pin and not pin your underwear with it. After pinning, remove your jeans and wear something else. Then, carefully mark the pinned seam on the inside of the jeans and remove the pins. 

Step 2
Mark each line of waistband stitching after clipping them. Jeans are sewn in a chain stitch, therefore ensure you clip the beginning and end of each stitchline you want to remove. To loose chain stitching is fun but do not get carried away by this. 
Having the chain stitches removed, then you will clip away the corresponding thread on the outside of the waistband. Distinguish the inner and outer waistband by clipping the stitches at the waistband until it reaches the chain stitches. Measure and memorize the distance between your waistband markings.

Step 3
This is the sewing aspect, but before then, you have to pull out the waistband marking distance measurement from earlier. This is the more reason why the jean is pinned one side to enable the topstitching is much easier and more accurate than folding between the stitch lines. You need to shift the center of the waistband markings in order to hide the new waistband seam under the belt loop. 
To make the stitching seat well, you should pin perpendicular to where you plan to sew. Pin to your right sides along your markings. Check your pins to ensure your pins are going through the markings on the side.
Sew slowly over this area–try to get those seams lined up as perfectly as possible.
Begin sewing right in the old fold line and curve the sewing out following your marking. Then, use a little bit of flattening to make the sewing lay. 

Step 4
Now, opt for the matching topstitching thread. Ensure you change the topstiching thread to a matching one but can leave the one in the bobbin. Trace each line of topstitching from bottom to up while overlapping a few stitches with the old stitch line. Clip any of the loose threads on the waistband and then topstitch while hammering out the thick parts. Attach the previously belt loop removed and try your pant on, then you have your fitted jeans. 

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