Tuesday, April 9, 2019

How To Have A Smooth Face Naturally

There are so many influences over our skin health which include aging, stress, dehydration, hormonal imbalances, ultraviolet sun rays and air pollution...
Each of these aforementioned result in acne, age spots, pimples, wrinkles, dry and rough blemishes and also blemishes. Also, older women in their menopause are subjected to loss of smoothness in their face due to the varied hormonal changes in their bodies.
Adults can only get a super close smooth face and not the picture perfect smooth face just because of their hormones. This post will greatly help you to get tips on enhancing a smooth face.
The ultimate desire is to have a blemish-free face that will improve our attractiveness. To achieve this, all you need to do is just to learn the basics of facial skin care to make a lasting impression of a smooth face. Explore the following tips to make a smooth and healthy face.

Take a good diet

Your diet has to be improved if you really desire to have a smooth face free of blemishes because an adequate diet plays a major role in the overall skin appearance. Avoid sugary things/foods and add natural sugar to your diet like berries, honey etc. This prevents you from aging so quickly, premature loss of collagen and even other health complications. Atleast, increase your intake of fish to twice a week to get enough Omega-3 fatty acids that are very important in ensuring a glowing skin.

Always get a good sleep

Always try as much as possible to get seven to eight hours of uninterrupted night sleep. Adequate sleep at night helps to rejuvenate your skin and entire body. Also, work out your body and get some some exercises done to regulate significant skin hormones and to minimize inflammation.


Drink plenty of water to ensure a beautiful, soft and supple skin. Water is very vital in the body to enable the proper functioning of the body so also the skin. It flushes out the toxins from the system that will cause harm to your body. As a lady, you must aim to drink close to eight glasses  of water or two litres of water in a day and males should drink more than that.


You can exfoliate many times and thus, over exfoliation will cause havoc to your skin. If you are under acne treatment, avoid scrubbing your face because this can worsen the situation, but can opt for the chemical exfoliation using products with hyroxyl acids. Exfoliating dries out the skin and the more reason moisturizing is important after you exfoliate.

Wear a face mask

Put on a mask to reduce the excess oils and bacteria on the skin. Use the masks with charcoal or kaolin clay as they provide the best result. Wear the mask for ten to fifteen minutes and then rinse off with warm water.

If the skin disorders still persist after trying out these above steps, then visit a dermatologist. A skin expert will be able to evaluate your skin closely and give advice on the best course of action.

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